Ultra Monthly Support Package with Adam
Want to get that summer body going. If you want to lose weight to my program for only $35 for a month and I guarantee results.
Click(or copy and paste) The link below.
This Package includes:
Guaranteed Results.
1 30 minute Assessment call with me
(We go over your history and your Goals)
Daily Email Access and Food Assessment
Unlimited Emergency Phone Access (up to 30)
TypeXcellerator works through the power of Oxygenation! Dilating the bronchial tubes increases the metabolic burn of calories by 80%, creates clarity and focus of mind, and directs your body to target fat cell storage for extra fuel. Oxygenates the body in a similar way as ephedra, only it's legal!
Clear Calm Lasting Energy
No-Jitters Metabolism Boost
Block Appetite for Complex Carbs
Target Fat Cell Storage
Oxygenate the Body and Mind your paragraph here.
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Ultra Media Group LLC
Perform Your best BY ADAM TAGELDIN